Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Can An Emailreveaa Reverse Email Search Report Be Used As Evidence In Court? By Ed Opperman

If you are a victim of a cyber stalker or some kind of online fraud, deflation or harassment you may be considering using a reverse email search to identify the person behind the email address that you are having trouble with. One major factor to consider is whether or not you can use that report in a court of law. This is a very serious consideration and we will attempt to address that question in this article. Because there are many misconceptions about this topic. Some people mistakenly feel that the only evidence that could be used in court must be obtained through a subpoena on the ISP.

If you go online and search for a reverse email search most of the services you'll find are simply instant data base searches. These are instant searches that makes use of large data bases like Facebook users and MySpace users and people that use their email address to subscribe to online newsletters and such things. While this may be a nice simple first step in an investigation it is not evidence that can be used in court.

If you need to locate or identify a person from an email address and you are not able to use the subpoena process but you need a report that can be submitted to law enforcement or used in court your first step is a reverse email trace report. This is a thorough investigation into the real identity behind the email address. A private investigator will take he time to not only run the email through several different databases but also examine the headers, trace the IP address and also email the email with several pretexts to trick or trap the person into revealing their identity.

This kind of investigation will return a report in email format. In some cases this basic report can be turned over to law enforcement or used as an exhibit in lower courts such as small claims, TPO court or Family court appearances. But if you need something more that is available also.

The investigator can provide a report supported by a notarized affidavit of his findings outlining his investigation step by step and explaining exactly how he obtaining the identifying information on the email without a subpoena and without breaking the law.

This can be incredibly hard evidence, including an audio recording of the subject of the investigation identifying himself as the person behind the email.

So if anyone tells you that you can't use a reverse email trace report in court and can only use evidence obtained via subpoena they are simply misinformed.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc
Ed Opperman is president of Opperman investigations. If you need a reverse email search to locate a con man, bail jumper, runaway or parental kidnapper please visit www.emailrevealer.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Opperman

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6249560

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Saturday, February 9, 2013

A Reverse Email Search Can Identify A Facebook Bully

If you are the target of Facebook bully you may be able to use a reverse email search to identify them. That Facebook stalker can be identified even if they used a fake name to create the page. Also even if they used a fake email address to set up the Facebook page they can still be identified. Every cyber bull can be caught even if they think they are clever and computer savvy. in fact in many cases it's the cyber stalker that believes he is clever and Internet savvy that will trip up and give away his identity.

In order to create a Facebook page you need a working email address. Before the page can go live Facebook verifies the email is working. So at least on the day of creating that email has to be working and active. The stalker has already created a trail back to their front door. Many times even a Facebook stalker will leave that email address visible on their information page of Facebook. If that is the case you can use a reverse email search investigation to locate and identify the owner of that email. Please don't confuse a reverse email investigation with an instant reverse email search that relies on a data base. A reverse email search investigation is a thorough investigation into the location and identity of the actual person behind the email address not just the false information they used when creating the email account.

Now in the case where a Facebook bully has not allowed their email to be visible on the information page you may still be able to trace them. This is a little more involved that a standard email trace investigation but it does have many of the same ingredients. This would involve using a pretext

Facebook account to send messages to the cyber bully. Inside the message would be pretexts to get the recipients to reveal their identity through the use of trap lines, spider sites and web bugs. Of course as in any kind of investigation it helps if you have a list of possible suspects.

Before you contact a professional investigator to trace down and identify a Facebook bully you should make sure that the private investigator has experience in computer forensics and email tracing. Then as you prepare to contact the PI you should copy the URL of the Facebook page, try to locate any email addresses on that page and also make a list of possible suspects and the email addresses of the suspects. Remember most private investigators will bill for consultation time so you want to be prepared before you retain their services.

The most important thing to consider when trying to identify a Facebook stalker is that it's very unlikely that the stalker will stop his bullying activity until he is actually identified. Of course you can contact Facebook and have them remove the offending pages but there is nothing to stop the bully from just creating a new account and starting all over again. The trouble will not stop until you have them identified. Then and only then can you document their crimes and bring them to justice. Whether it is civil or criminal court you will need solid proof in a report that has been documented by a professional.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc
Ed Opperman is president of Opperman investigations. If you need a reverse email search to locate a con man, bail jumper, runaway or parental kidnapper please visit www.emailrevealer.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Opperman

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5939090

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Friday, February 8, 2013

What Is The Fastest Least Expensive Method To Catch a Cheating Husband?

All over the world women have one thing in common. They all know that any man can cheat and if they do they can ruin a marriage destroy a family and bring a horrible end to a once wonderful relationship. The sad fact is that any man can be tempted, most will resist but some will not. Nocturnally infidelity affects up to 70% of relationships so everyone must accept this a potential hazard to their relationship.

While most women may suspect at one time or another that their man may be about to stray the average woman may not know how to investigate or have enough money to investigate and catch their husband cheating. This is unfortunate because there are many affordable and easy methods to catch a cheater without shelling out a large retainer to a private detective to follow your husband around all day and night in hopes that you'll catch him in the act during that small window that a PI is right there on his trail and has eyeballs on the subject.

Today everything is digital. Our phones, computers, cameras, Internet. It's all digital and everything we do or say leaves a digital footprint. So it's far easier and far less expensive to begin our infidelity investigation in the digital area. The quickest and easiest method is an online infidelity investigation. You can trace your husbands email address back to secret online dating web sites, porn sites, social networks and even escort service sites. With this kind of simple initial investigation you do not need access to your spouses computer or phone. You just need his normal email.

This initial investigation is extremely inexpensive and only takes a few hours to return your results. If you do get some hits you can expand on that investigation and gather even more evidence of infidelity. A personal ad investigation would include a pretext ad from an attractive woman contacting your husband offering to exchange phone numbers and intimate photos. Now that would be damming evidence and not easy for the slickest cheater to talk their way out of.

Now this very basic investigation can even uncover evidence that can be used in court. Say a child custody hearing. Personal ads or social networking pages often have pictures, or conduct that a person is not proud of and would not want to see entered as evidence in court. For instance a man with pics and profiles on web sites that are focused on extreme sexual fetishes may be to embarrassed to pursue custody if they knew their secret life would be exposed in court.
So while many women may need an investigator to help with suspected infidelity they may think it's to expensive. But that's simply not the case. There are very quick, inexpensive ways to investigate infidelity.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc
Ed Opperman is the Pres of Opperman Investigations Inc and the chief investigator for http://www.emailrevealer.com If you have noticed signs of cheating please feel free to visit his web site.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Opperman

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6249449

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Thursday, February 7, 2013

How Do Police Investigate Cyber Bully Cases?

Have you ever wondered how police in real life trace emails and locate and identify cyber stalkers? Is it really like they show on those TV CSI cop shows? Unfortunately no, in real life there are many limitations on local police when it comes to locating and identifying cyber stalkers. On tv you'll see a high tech computer crimes lab full of expensive equipment and manned with dozens of officers. In reality a local police dept computer crimes unit may be as small as one officer and one computer.

Wen a victim of a cyber bully becomes concerned about their safety and well being they will usually turn to the local police dept. Once the local police take that compliant several things may happen. hey may choose not to investigate further thinking that it is not a serious enough threat to devote manpower and recourses to investigate further.

If they do deem it a serious threat they may assign your case to an investigator, perhaps in their computer crimes unit or maybe just an investigator that normally investigates harassment and stalking cases.If the crime crosses over state lines they may refer your case to a federal agency such as the FBI to investigate. depending on the nature of the threat and other factors.

But the typical response by any law enforcement is usually the same. They will investigate the incoming email threat by opening up the headers and obtaining the IP address from within the header. Then they will take that information and use a common tool like samspade.org or dnsstuff.com to run the IP address through a"whois" feature and discover what Internet Service Provider (ISP) is associated with IP Address or Internet Protocol Address.

At this stage of the investigation law enforcement has a huge advantage because they can take the documented threat or harassment in the form of an email and present it to a judge as probable cause to issue a search warrant. That warrant will be served upon the Custodian of Records of the ISP, They will be compelled to turn over detailed information about the billing, location and activity of that person or people associated with at IP Address.

The problem for law enforcement at this stage is proving who that actual person was physically at the keyboard at the time the alleged crime took place. The suspect can claim he was not there that day, that many people borrow the computer or that several people live at the address and they call share the computer. This is why it's so difficult for law enforcement to make arrests and prosecute these kids of cases without getting a confession from the suspect. Unfortunately it's not as high tech and quick as you see on TV crime shows where to police are able to use some type of computer program to instantly identify a person from an email or IP address.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc
Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc.If you need help with a cyber stalking investigation visit http://www.emailrevealer.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Opperman

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6417876

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Can A Husband Or Wife Spy On Their Spouse's Emails?

Can A Husband Or Wife Spy On Their Spouse's Emails?

By Ed Opperman

Article Word Count:

you suspect your husband of infidelity you may be tempted to hack into
his email account in order to read his private emails. This could be a
huge mistake. Even if you suspect your man is cheating you do not have
a right to invade another persons privacy with email hacking. In fact
recently a husband who logged onto his wife's email account was
arrested and is now facing up to 5 years in prison.This man is
being charged with felony computer misuse, and faces up to five years
in prison after logging into the email account of now ex-wife on a
shared laptop using her password.So while it may be tempting to
try to do it yourself when investigating infidelity it's really
something that's best left up to the professionals. A professional
investigator will know what is and isn't legal when investigating
infidelity. Had this man consulted with a professional he could have
saved himself a great deal of time, money and aggravation.There
are many legal ways through digital forensics to obtain evidence of
infidelity. There are also methods to trace emails to online dating
sites and social networks that will return the evidence of infidelity
you are seeking. if a professional is investigating and obtaining this
evidence they will know how to carefully document their efforts and
maintain a chain of custody so that the evidence can be used in court.As
an investigator many times a client will contact me and ask me to get
their spouses email passwords or commit some other kind of crime. As a
professional it's up to me to explain what can and cannot be done
legally.Computer forensics, cell phone forensics, Internet
infidelity searches are just a few ways to legally recover evidence of
cheating spouse activity. But these are only a few of the things a
professional investigator can do for you to expose a cheating spouse.
Legally.It's so important to remember that every step taken in
any investigation must be done in complete compliance with all the
applicable laws. Before consulting with a private detective be sure to
ask if they have experience in this field of investigation. Be wary of
online web sites offering do it yourself spy gear and wire tapping
equipment. while it may be lawful for them to sell the devices it still
may be illegal for you to misuse the equipment to spy or your husband
or wife.

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. If you need help with a Computer Hard Drive Examination investigation visit http://www.emailrevealer.com

Article Source:

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Can A Husband Or Wife Spy On Their Spouse's Emails?

Can A Husband Or Wife Spy On Their Spouse's Emails?

By Ed Opperman

Article Word Count:

you suspect your husband of infidelity you may be tempted to hack into
his email account in order to read his private emails. This could be a
huge mistake. Even if you suspect your man is cheating you do not have
a right to invade another persons privacy with email hacking. In fact
recently a husband who logged onto his wife's email account was
arrested and is now facing up to 5 years in prison.This man is
being charged with felony computer misuse, and faces up to five years
in prison after logging into the email account of now ex-wife on a
shared laptop using her password.So while it may be tempting to
try to do it yourself when investigating infidelity it's really
something that's best left up to the professionals. A professional
investigator will know what is and isn't legal when investigating
infidelity. Had this man consulted with a professional he could have
saved himself a great deal of time, money and aggravation.There
are many legal ways through digital forensics to obtain evidence of
infidelity. There are also methods to trace emails to online dating
sites and social networks that will return the evidence of infidelity
you are seeking. if a professional is investigating and obtaining this
evidence they will know how to carefully document their efforts and
maintain a chain of custody so that the evidence can be used in court.As
an investigator many times a client will contact me and ask me to get
their spouses email passwords or commit some other kind of crime. As a
professional it's up to me to explain what can and cannot be done
legally.Computer forensics, cell phone forensics, Internet
infidelity searches are just a few ways to legally recover evidence of
cheating spouse activity. But these are only a few of the things a
professional investigator can do for you to expose a cheating spouse.
Legally.It's so important to remember that every step taken in
any investigation must be done in complete compliance with all the
applicable laws. Before consulting with a private detective be sure to
ask if they have experience in this field of investigation. Be wary of
online web sites offering do it yourself spy gear and wire tapping
equipment. while it may be lawful for them to sell the devices it still
may be illegal for you to misuse the equipment to spy or your husband
or wife.

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. If you need help with a Computer Hard Drive Examination investigation visit http://www.emailrevealer.com

Article Source:

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Friday, October 28, 2011

Are the Signs of Cheating Showing in Your Relationship Or Marriage?

There are more relationships and marriages in today's time than ever before that have been affected in one way or another by either one or more of the many different signs of cheating that continue to destroy relationships on a daily basis. The sad fact of the matter is that online infidelity has grown in epidemic proportions, and it continues to become a bigger and bigger problem as even more individuals begin surfing various sites on the Internet.

Have you noticed that your husband acts strange and rushes to shut off the computer or hide what he is doing on the Internet when you walk by or into the room? Maybe you have noticed your wife suddenly interested in various social networking websites that you have never heard of before. Perhaps you have realized that every time you enter into the room your wife hurries to exit the instant messages and other activities that she is engaged in on the Internet. There are actually a wide variety of different signs of cheating on the Internet that can show up in a relationship or marriage, making innocent partners question the honesty and faithfulness of their partner.

The important thing is to know what to do about it when there are signs of cheating that are showing up in your relationship or marriage. An online infidelity investigation is the perfect answer to problems such as these that can put your suspicions to rest and give you the answers you need to know about any infidelity that your spouse or partner may be committing.

Supplying an expert private investigator with the email address of your partner or spouse is all the information needed to perform an online infidelity investigation. Before you know it, you will then be supplied with a detailed report containing detailed information about various networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, and others that your spouse may be registered with to meet other lovers. This investigation will also show evidence of sites that may be registered on such as porn sites, escort sites, fetish sites, and other such sites that are generally considered to be unacceptable behavior when you are deeply involved in a marital relationship or other relationship commitment.

If you notice the signs of cheating are showing up in your relationship or marriage, there is absolutely no reason for any person to just sit back and let it happen without doing everything you can to get to the bottom of any cheating that may be ripping your relationship apart.

Ed Opperman, president of Opperman Investigations Inc is an expert in spotting the Signs of Cheating and Cell Phone Forensics. If you need help with an infidelity investigation visit http://www.emailrevealer.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Opperman

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4842291

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